With Guild Council fast approaching I thought I better find some time and update you on what I have been up to in the last couple of weeks...
Well firstly I was ill and then I had a couple of days booked off to sort my life out after a busy couple of months, needless to say things popped up and I had to come into work for an afternoon on my day off but I will get over it (i'm sure you all have already). In other news I took part in the Acorns fun run, there was a great turn out and I felt better than some of the rest of the team who had notable hang overs!

I have been working away on our democratic structure review, I am part of the group that is reviewing all the officer roles and the way liberation works in the Guild. There has been lots of pulling of hair and trying out different ideas based on what the market research and other surveys have said about the Guild, hopefully we are getting close to some concrete ideas to take out to student consultation however so watch this space.
I have also chaired the Equality and Diversity committee and the R and HR committee this month, we have been working on updating our monitoring forms and how we advertise vancancies in order to promote ourselves to all demographics of students and applicants. We have also updated our staff handbook which got overlooked when we updated our bye-laws. This now means that student staff can now also be a Guild Officer or Independent chair, this is great news in terms of breaking down barriers to being a part of the representative function of the Guild.
I also met with Jean Turner, the Director of counselling and Guidance at the University and Ann Davis, the head of the Centre of Excellence for Interdisciplinary Menthal Health (CEIMH) on campus. As the VP Welfare I think it is really important that the Guild has strong links with these departments (I have already met with the disability team and mental health team) so we have been discussing how we can move forward with joint project and the like. Some great ideas have been mooted so hopefully something will come of them.

Final round-up of bits and pieces
- Confirmed a date for the student parent networking event (21st November) put it in your diaries!
- Carried on with the planning for World Aids day and Multi-Cultural week
- Started work on the student mentor review
- Attended the welfare practitioners forum
- Went to GOG - Guild officer group meeting, it is where all the officers (including the part time officers come together to discuss what is going on in the Guild and put forward our recommendation for Guild Council motions)
Well that's it, sorry for the length of this blog, will try and be more regular and less long winded in the future.