Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Lets talk about sex!

Hi all,

Since I blogged last term has whizzed on by to the halfway point and as always there has been lots of things going in the world of Welfare.

  • S.H.A.G (sexual health awareness and guidance) week took place last week in the build up to valentines day! We has a sexual health fair in the Guild of Students, there were lots of different stalls that gave information from how to put on a condom to domestic and sexual violence. We had over 300 come though the doors and a large proportion of them took the opportunity to get checked out for STI's. The biggest spread of STI's is between the 16-24 age range. Make sure you are not a statistic and make sure your sexual health has been given the all clear! In addition we held a S.HA.G roadshow up on the vale where students could pick up information relating to sexual health as well as condoms and Chylamadia tests.
  • This term has also seen the start of a lot of reviews of the services that the Guild offers. These may not always be the most tangible things for students to see what I have been upto but they are vitally important in ensuring that the welfare and support services that we provide are as relevant as possible. This term I am involved in reviewing the Student Mentor scheme, how well does it work, what impact does it have on students in halls and how do we measure it? Any thoughts then let me know.
  • In addition with the building redevelopment the ARC and the Jobzone will be getting a fresh new look. Alongside this we are trying to give the services we offer a revamp as well, trying to provide more jobs for students and making sure that we can give good quality advice at the highest level are key priorities for me and I will be working hard to make sure this is reflected in the our new look membership zone!
  • Last Friday I attended the Student Loan Company Consultative Forum as the rep for the West Midlands. We were there to take about the complete shambles of the applications for money this year. Throughout the day we heard from various big wigs at the student loan company, the focus being on what lessons have been learnt, both from their own experience and from the Hopkin review. We discussed what changes they have already made to their services in direct response to last year as well as spending time on new initiaitives that they hope to implement such as the use of social media and how ongoing problems from students in this year's application cycle are going to be resolved.
  • I have met with the new director of student support and development from the University, both him and myself are really keen to work closely with the support we offer students making sure that we are referring people to the right services and giving one joined up approach. I will also be working closely with him to complete my outstanding manifesto pledges on Mitigations and prayer facilities...so watch this space.

Thats about it for now, any questions or suggestions on the above just let me know.