Wednesday 2 September 2009

Business Continuity Planning

Hello all, another week is upon us and in between the hours and hours of shortlisting for the ARC advisor and student support staff (over 120 applications!) I attended the Business continuity / local resillience meeting today in the Guild.

As i'm sure everyone is aware swine flu is a big concern as we enter the Autumn period; the combination of the infamous freshers flu with swine flu is a real concern for both the University and the Guild.

With this is mind the Guild has been making plans for the what should happen if there is an outbreak of swine flu, what facilities can run and what happens if we loose a large proportion of our staff in the Guild, compromising the service that we offer. I am currently working on plans that will place the Guild departments into different phases of closure, closing those departments that are less vital to the day to day running of the Guild and conversely keeping those which are the most important / beneficial to students open.

In addition the Guild is also formulating plans on how to communicate what is happening to the students should we need to act, as well as what we can do to rearrange or adapt our welcome week actitivites if needed.

What is important to note is that the Guild is making plans and will be ready for action should the worst happen, But for now just remember that this is an eventuality that will hopefully never occur, unless otherwise stated it is business as usual and I can't wait to see everyone enjoying the best welcome week yet!

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