Hi everyone,
Over the last few weeks I have been getting stuck into a lot of internal things in the Guild. It's not the sexiest stuff to be dealing with but it should make a real difference to the service that we deliver here in the Guild to the student that need it.
ARC review - as part of the redevelopment, the ARC will be getting a brand new look and to go alongside this we want to make sure the advice ansd the service that we provide is the best it can be. We are looking at getting alot more of the basic info into leaflets and on the website that students can take away and deal with in their own time. In addition to this we are improving the way in which we use volunteers in the ARC. Providing them with additional training and getting them more involved in the advice work itself we feel will provide a more efficient and personable service to students.
Mentor Review - the Guild has been working with the University to provide the student mentor service for a number of years and bi-annually we have to review this service. We recognise in the Guild that students know who their mentors are but it is much harder for us to understand what the impact is or how to measure it. This is a key area that we will be working on and once we know this we can work on maximising that impact.
The jobzone agency - I have been working hard with the staff in the Guild to move forward the project of a job zone agency. This will mean that we can offer temporary jobs on campus to hundreds of students instead of non-students being brought in to do these jobs. This will mean that many of those students who are desperately looking for jobs will be able to get them in the safe environment of campus and will paid through the Guild.
This has meant that we have needed to review what the jobzone currently does, we are streamlining its processes as much as possible to make sure that we can deliver this brand new service.
Over at the University there are currently reviews into how joint honours work and mitigations - both of which are key pledges for me this year. The Guild is feeding into both of these reviews and I am hopeful that we will have some positive results by the summer term.
Thats it for now, as ususal any comments or questions then let me know!